Hello and welcome to my game log! Here, I will talk a bit about the games I play currently, give an overview of games I have played, and games I haven't finished.
While I do speak my mind on this games from the heart, take them with a grain of salt. It's all subjective, yaknow? I fucking hate OW! But that doesn't mean you do too.
Yes I do play VRChat too much. SO WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Two Weeks
15.9 hours
Total Hours
3,000 hours

The Sims 4
Last Two Weeks
0 hours
Total Hours
1,009 hours

Last Two Weeks
0 hours
Total Hours
1100 hours

Undertale is truly a cannon event for indie game enjoyers, and I am no exception to this idea. I love this game. I love Toby, I love Temmie. I love anything UT, and I always will. The game found me at a really good time in my life because I was deep down my FNAF rabbithole and needed something different. The community can be a bit scary at times but what game community isn't? Also, shout out to Toby for remaining unapologetically weird these years. he really is my role model.
If you haven't played this game yet, I'd be shocked, but if you haven't, please play it at least twice! I'm serious about that twice too.

Of course, I am as biased as it gets when it comes to this game. I played it in 2022 during the pandemic and fell down a particularly nasty rabbithole of indie gaming. This came not long after I "escaped" my Undertale and FNAF hyperfixations from 2016, and frankly, I think it was an absolutely beautiful way to end my indie game fixations.
I have extremely deep connections to SUNNY and BASIL both, but especially SUNNY, because the way he handles his mental health problems almost directly mirrors the way I do: creating a fantasy world and living in it to escape reality. While he may not be plural, there are a lot of parallels to draw between plurality and the NPCs he meets as he traverses HEADSPACE.
I'm going to keep myself from yapping as best as possible, so I'll cut it off here. If you haven't played the game, please play it. There really is something for everybody in there, and even more so, there's a lot to reflect on.

Needy Girl Overdose
I want to call this game irritating. I really do. But it really is just a skill issue.
KAngel, of course, caught my attention first. I saw the art on Pinterest, thought it was super cute and ended up saving some of it. Then, I came across LilithDev. I knew I had to play it after seeing what the UI was like. The music is like crack to me, and I love the character design of both KAngel and Ame-Chan.
No shade, but if you're out here relating to Ame, see your local therapist immediately ‼ ‼ ‼
And yes, the 4 stars is because I'm salty.

So I happened across this weird little game during the pandemic, and I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. The whole aesthetic is minimalistic with a comfortable feel to it. I only give it 4 stars because the characters were a tad bit shallow, but the gameplay was generally quite fun. If you get some time to try this one, do it!
I'll get to them at some point, hopefully.
- Yume 2kki
- Mouthwashing
- Satisfactory
- I'm on Observation Duty
- Little Nightmares
- Muse Dash